A Conversation about Strangles

Strangles is a topic that seems to put the fear of God into most horse owners and it is also a diagnosis that as vets we dread getting. Whilst some horses can be very sick with strangles the real issue for the vets is the confusion and fear that a diagnosis can cause.

A Conversation about Equine Influenza

The equine flu epidemic of 2019 led to changes in vaccination rules with some governing bodies as well as individual equestrian centres tightening up on their own vaccination policies, but what is Equine flu and how can we control it?

A Conversation about Lameness Workups

In our latest podcast we chat about why lameness investigations are so important and what exactly in involved when your vet mentions a lameness work up.

A Conversation about Euthanasia

In this episode we hope to help make euthanasia a slightly less scary subject. We talk about what signs we should look for in our older horses so we know when it is time to make a decision, what the options are, and go through what happens on the day so you can be fully prepared and ensure your treasured family member has a dignified end.

A Conversation about Vettings

In our latest podcast we catch up with Hugh Somerville to chat about vettings. We chat about the differences between 2 and 5 stage vettings, what happens during a vetting and what to do if things go wrong.

A Conversation about Advanced Dentistry

Our knowledge of Equine Dentistry is continually expanding with new procedures becoming more commonplace. Several years ago nobody would have thought that filling a horse’s tooth would be a possibility. In our latest podcast we talk about Wolf Teeth, Diastemas, Fillings, Extractions and Sinus Infections.

A Conversation about Equine Dentistry

Equine Dentistry has moved on so far in the last 10-15 years, that we can now treat so many more issues which we weren’t previously able to do. There is so much more to it than routine check ups and rasping sharp edges.

A Conversation about Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome

Horse Gastroscope

This week we are chatting all about Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS). There is much more in the horsey media about gastric ulcers than there ever used to be and horse owners in general seem to have a much greater awareness of ulcers.

A Conversation about Equine Cushings (PPID)

This week’s conversation with Jenny Croft MRCVS and Liz Somerville is all about Equine Cushings or PPID as it is now known. If you are an owner of a ‘golden oldie’ this episode will be particularly relevant as PPID affects so many of our older horses and ponies.